The Hiboo adventure began in the minds of three friends, Charles, Ignace, and Alexis, faced with the dilemma of the perfect balance between quality, aesthetics, and the accessibility of beds. Refusing to compromise, they created Hiboo in 2017: a sleep revolution accessible to all.



Hiboo was born from a simple need: to find the perfect bed, combining comfort, beauty, and accessibility. Our adventure towards this creation was guided by the desire to share with you more than a product, but a dream come true.

By opening the doors of Hiboo to you, we share a part of ourselves. Each bed sold brings us closer to our vision, that of improving your nights and, by extension, your quality of life. We are infinitely grateful for your trust and support.

Thank you for believing in Hiboo as much as we believe in it. Your support transforms our vision into reality, and for that, we are deeply grateful. ' – Charles, Ignace, Alexis